Monday, April 30, 2007

Meeting Review (17th April, 2007)

The meeting was attended by 12 members and 5 guests.

It was heartening to see 2 old members making a comeback. Welcome Tiru and Parimala!

One of the guests, Rohijas, ATMB is a member of KL Advanced, UEM and Club Pidato. The other guests (non-toastmasters) were: Joanna and partner, Kasantra and Malini.

Toastmaster of the evening was CTM Ivan Fong.

The meeting started with a great welcoming address by the President, Lakhmichand, ATMB, followed by an uplifting invocation by Muhendaran, ATMS, related to the theme “service”.

Role players: Chandran, CTM - AH Counter, Parimala - Grammarian and Loke (our newest member) the Timer.

First-timer, Hooi Bien, did a very good job in the Table Topics, by giving topics related to the day’s theme, “service”. There were six speakers with 3 guests participating and guess what! Our guest Malini put our toastmasters to shame by being selected as the best table topics speaker! Table Topics evaluation was very well covered by Ranjit Singh, ARMB

Kudos to the first-timers, Hooi Bien and Loke.

We had a dash of humour presented by Lakhmichand. As usual his one joke was enough to evoke laughter.

After the break, there were 2 assignment speeches. First speaker, Sham Sunder, delivered a very emphatic speech entitled “Stand up and be counted”. He persuaded the audience to stand up for their rights in some of the current hot issues in the country. Second speaker, Rema Paul, ATMB, enlightened us on the subject of “misunderstandings” and we were humorously entertained. Sham Sunder was evaluated by Chandran, CTM, and Rema was evaluated by Rohijas, ATMB. Both evaluations were helpful and encouraging.

General evaluation was handled by Muhendaran, ATMS. As usual, he reminded us of some of our shortcomings that need to be corrected.

The guests gave very positive feedback regarding the meeting.

Congratulations and Welcome to Loke & Malini who signed up as members!

The President ended another very fruitful and enjoyable meeting by reminding us that we have to move on which is characteristic of Bangsar Toastmasters periodically. We will be leaving our ‘artistic’ venue for yet another new environment in our next meeting.

See you guys!

by Ivan Fong, CTM


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